Rock Town - Column Still Collection Small Batch Straight Bourbon

Rock Town - Column Still Collection Small Batch Straight Bourbon


Welcome to the Rock Town Column Still Collection, where every sip takes you on a journey through the heart of Kentucky, and straight into the soul of Arkansas. In March of 2020, Rock Town's Head Distiller Phil Brandon set out on a mission to find a way to keep up with the demand for Rock Town bourbon. The search ended when he discovered the Collaborative Distilling Program offered by Bardstown Bourbon Company, which allowed him to use his own bourbon recipes and the same Arkansas-grown grains that have helped produce the quality bourbon Rock Town is known for. So, whether you’re a bourbon enthusiast or just looking for a taste of something new, we invite you to indulge in the Rock Town Column Still Collection. Experience the best of both worlds and taste the passion and dedication that goes into every bottle.


British Columbia
SKU: 324630 | 6 x 750ml
Where to Buy: Private Liquor Stores

SKU: 895628 | 6 x 750ml
Where to Buy:

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